Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Hero

In light of Superbowl Sunday, I thought about this paragraph I read in Beth Moore's Breaking Free last week.

"I love to watch the playoffs of most any sport. Something about naming a team or a player as the best excites me. I always watch the interviews afterward and sit smugly satisfied when the winners thank God for the victory. Yet I must confess I don't grab the next morning's newspaper to read about God. It's the star player. Although the star may thank God, it's not God who gets the ring. The team doesn't retire God's number. They don't boast about His statistics. And we wouldn't expect them to. The point is--the players become the heroes. At best, some may mention God as their means to their heroic end. I believe this scenario was true of King Uzziah. He may have sought God in advance for strength and victory and he may have thanked God when He delivered, but the kind didn't go out of his way to resist the heroics. Finally, he believed his own press. Big mistake. 
I see an important point emerge from his example. A wide gulf lies between thanking God for our wonderful victories and pointing people to God as the One and only Sovereign victorious." 
[Excerpt from Beth Moore's Breaking Free; pg. 14] *Read the full story of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26

There will likely be mention of God, His blessings, and His goodness tonight on national television. But I think Beth is right. Will the players, or heroes, intentionally take the spotlight off of themselves and shine it on the Lord?

How can you, in your own life--since, let's face it, we're not all Superbowl athletes--intentionally take the spotlight off of you and point it at God? How can we take thanking Him a step further to give Him all the credit, praise, and honor He deserves?

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