Saturday, August 13, 2016

Looking to Start A New Chapter

The role I have as wife and Mama in our little family of three is about to change. Within the next week or so, we are expecting our second little girl to take her first out of the womb breath! We will soon be a family of four. I am still amazed at that reality, and praise God for His perfect timing in gifting us new life.

Similarly to my previous pregnancy with Peighton, I have experienced some complications. The reassurance I have is, "God is in control, and He is good. I've been through this before. I'v'e reached full-term. My doctors know what they're doing." But, if I'm totally honest, this pregnancy, overall has felt a lot harder (maybe because I also am taking care of a toddler!). It's led me to wonder am I built to do this again?? Needless to say, I'm quite eager for this pregnancy to wrap up as the highs are in the nineties and life just feels a whole lot more challenging while growing a tiny human!

And then, there's the whole emotional aspect of adding another little one to our family... I have enjoyed so many fun moments with my first born, sweet Peighton Louise!
My heart is a little torn at the thought of somewhere, somehow finding more love to give to another little one. I hear it's possible, but I'm currently in the "I'll believe it when I experience it" phase. Every night when I put Peighton to bed, I whisper in her ear that she'll always be my baby. Some nights, she nods or gives me a verbal "ya" in agreement. And while I am oh so very eager to snuggle our little one on the way, my heart is grieving the loss of being a Mama to one.

Peighton made Tyler and I parents. She will always be our first. She stole our hearts! Now, we've moved towards prepping her for her impending role of Big Sister and are doing all we can to prepare our own hearts to multiply our love as we look to soon welcome Baby Girl Stowell Dos!

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