Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Once Fatherless | Part 2

It has been over 9 years since my dad and I had a functional relationship. Last week, I woke up to a text message from him asking if I was available to get together for lunch. This was surprising on many levels. For one, I thought he was in Madison, Wisconsin for the summer. And then the obvious... it had been over a year since we'd gotten together! After responding that I would love to meet for lunch, I jumped out of bed to get ready and prepare my heart with prayer!

As I drove to Nature's Table for lunch, I prayed and worshiped with Hillsong's "Like an Avalanche" in the car. Then... I got lost, partially due to me forgetting to put my contact lenses in and not being able to read the street signs. Story of my life. I arrived about ten minutes late and walked up to the table where my dad was sitting. I quickly put together a salad at the salad bar and sat down. We began with small talk... the everyday conversation... he asked about our upcoming move to New Jersey, I asked him about work. Eventually, the conversation got deeper. He shared from his heart about how I had hurt him, and I shared from my heart about how my parents' divorce had affected me and how I have grown up and matured. Somewhere during that heart to heart, his eyes filled with tears, he rose and walked towards me. I stood up and we hugged one another. I said, "You know I love you." And he said, "I love you, too." As he sat down, wiping his eyes, he said, "I've always loved you." This is where I think I went into complete shock. I honestly don't remember the last time I heard my daddy say those three words. I can only thank God for softening his heart, helping me guard mine, and give me the strength to continue on the conversation with composure. It will take time to rebuild our relationship, but I am hopeful that we are now in that process. As we parted ways, he encouraged me to stay in touch.

I hope that this is the beginning of much desired, prayed for, and needed reconciliation with my daddy! However, I trust the Lord with it and will just continue to pray for my dad and our relationship. All in all, my Heavenly Father is my rock, foundation, and True Love.

"Your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD." - Jeremiah 30:17